5 Tips for Promoting a Healthier Gut

We all know how important it is to keep the gut healthy if we want to avoid digestive problems. But how exactly can you promote better gut health? Start by following these five tips:


  • Take your time when eating. Eating should be a joyful experience, but most of us rush into it and we forget to enjoy a good meal. But if you want to keep your gut healthy, it’s very important to chew your food thoroughly and take your time when eating your meals, so that your gut can digest your food properly and absorb nutrients that will help keep you healthy.


  • Invest in good sleep. Adequate sleep can do a lot of wonders to your body, even if you’re not one to exercise regularly or follow a proper diet plan. So, make sure that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to keep your gut health that will help you avoid more sleep issues. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, consult your doctor to ensure that it doesn’t cause more problems in the long run.


  • Know your food intolerances. Bad gut health stems mostly from not eating the right food and symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, acid reflux and nausea, this could be because of some food intolerances. This is why it’s very important to identify foods that are causing you to experience the symptoms of bad gut health. If you avoid these foods, you may see an improvement in your digestion and your overall health.


  • Drink lots of water. Hydration is important for your gut and your entire body, so it’s crucial to embrace the habit of drinking plenty of water every day. Proper hydration can help keep the mucosal lining of your intestines in tiptop shape while also keeping the balance of good bacteria in your gut. Drinking at least eight glasses of water every day is also one of the best ways to reduce your risk of developing digestive-related diseases.


  • Make changes to your diet. A good diet plays an important role in promoting better gut health. Aside from knowing your food intolerances, you also need to change your diet to avoid high-fat, high-sugar and processed foods that could easily irritate your gut. You should eat more lean protein, plant-based foods and high-fibre foods to promote a healthier gut microbiome. 


Of course, it would also help if you have digestive-related medications on hand at home for those times when you encounter some unavoidable ailments like diarrhoea and constipation. A fast-acting laxative, for instance, can help relieve constipation overnight by softening your stools and helping to stimulate the muscles in your bowel so you can move your bowels in the morning. 


You can ask your doctor for medications that you can keep in your medicine cabinet so that you and other family members will have something to take in case you encounter any mishaps that are related to your digestive system. It’s better safe than sorry later on.